Microsoft Great Plains Worldwide Help & Support

Microsoft Great Plains ISVs, VARs and Microsoft Business Solutions experts has now official Great Plains Strategy Guide, which consoles clients worldwide in Great Plains adaptation 9.0 help to be accessible for at any rate 5 years. Microsoft Great Plains 8.5 discharge is dropped and form 9.0 ought to be accessible without further ado. In this little article we'll give our features to our present and potential clients through our overall pamphlets and articles membership channel

o Microsoft Dexterity source code membership reviving. Here is our assessment as lengthy timespan Great Plains Dexterity advancement organization. So as to help Microsoft Great Plains ISV and outsider item improvement and combination - previous Great Plains Dexterity source code ought to be accessible. Well - you ought not expect a similar transparency all things considered for Microsoft CRM SDK - however in the event that you are not MBS Source code ISV accomplice (particularly new organizations, who does Great Plains remote support from India, Philippines, Pakistan, China) should profit by this program. The cost is a however higher than in was in the 1990th - yet it is as yet a decent dispatch up circumstance.

o German, Continental French and Iberian Spanish GP. It won't be converted into these dialects. GP clients in these nations (in Quebec - it will be upheld - Canadian French) ought to move to MBS modules suites. Microsoft claims all authority to create an impression later on. As we would like to think - the relocation way will be from Great Plains to Microsoft Navision as well as Axapta - these two items are situated for complex universal saddling and dialects. Obviously - Project Green may be the last arrangement, in the event that it will be prepared by 2010

o Latin America, USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Asia, Western and SouthAfrica. Every one of the regions with English language, Canadian French and Spanish speaking South America will be bolstered

o XML Web Services. Like Microsoft CRM SDK - Great Plains will be presented to web designers. For the time being we don't know about the destiny of eConnect - on the off chance that it will happen to the establishment of these web administrations and if web administrations will enable you to post exchanges in Great Plains or not.

o SQL Server Reporting administrations. Again - this is our expectation - that Microsoft will attempt to escape from Crystal Reports proposal to its own SQL Server announcing. Our organization had been supporting Crystal Reports plan and advancement for our customers for the exceptionally lengthy timespan - since 1996 and we see generally excellent chance to change to Microsoft local arrangement.

o Microsoft CRM and Great Plains pair motivators. In the event that client buys a heap of two items - it should have motivation markdown. We ought to commend this choice, as being both - MBS Great Plains and MS CRM customization, execution and bolster organization.

o Great Plains Verticals. Microsoft Great Plains rendition 9.0 will have vertical backings: Food and Beverages. Circulation, Sate and nearby government, and so on.



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